Friday, September 20, 2013


Hey internet! It's been a few days since my last post but, like I said earlier, most of it will be on the weekend. Today I wanted to talk about a cool adventure/exploration game: Terraria. The game has been out for quite a while now on PC but was also recently released on the Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Android, and iOS. Now, I've only played it on PC so I'm sorry if some of what I say doesn't match up with the other versions. If you've ever played Terraria or Minecraft you might realize that the games are pretty similar, except the fact that Minecraft is 3-dimensional and Terraria is 2-dimensional. Also, in my personal opinion, Terraria has a lot more stuff to do in it and things to find. However, I'm not here to talk about MC, so let's start off with an overview of Terraria. Terraria is an action adventure/RPG indie game released by Re-Logic game studios. In the game, you can explore the land, craft weapons and tools, construct buildings, and fight a huge variety of monsters and bosses all in a randomly-generated 2-D world. Now, to talk about some of that, lets move to game play. Terraria is known for its exploration/adventure style of gaming such as Minecraft. Basically, it features a day and night cycle along with nocturnal and underground type enemies that you might not normally find during the day. There are world building elements and a character advancement throughout the game and has a tile-based graphic design. When you start out in your brand new world, you start off with basic copper equipment: copper axe, copper pickaxe, and copper shortsword and you start with 100 health. As you progress through the game, you can upgrade to better equipment with ores and materials you find to construct better tools. Also, as you find health crystals, you can upgrade your max health to a limit of 400. Also, lets move on to enemies. During the day, there are relatively no enemies in the world to worry about, just some annoying "slimes" that hop around everywhere. However. at night, zombies and demon eyes spawn. Make sure you have a shelter at night. Compared to the rest of the enemies in the game, these aren't really much of a problem for players with experience and good equipment, however for players at the beginning, these can be nightmares! As you start mining and reaching new depths below the ground in the game, you will continue to find more and more enemies, all getting seemingly more difficult especially when you reach the Underworld.....which is full of demons! Overall, the game is very fun and can sometimes be a little challenging. Personally, a tip to help you get through the game is to use the wiki site for the game as you play. When you find something new, refer to the wiki to see what it is and it will also help you find even more stuff to look for in the game. This will help you get past the beginning where some people get stuck and don't really know what to do. Hope you guys enjoyed reading! I might have another post out this weekend or might have to wait until next week, sorry. Thanks for reading!

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