Friday, September 6, 2013

Black Ops 2: Zombies - Origins!

Hey, Internet! It is finally the weekend again and so I am of course going to have a new post! Today, I'm talking about Black Ops 2: Zombies, and more specifically, it's newest map expansion Origins! Now, I know it hasn't come out on PSN yet so if you're a PS3 player and don't like spoilers, DO NOT CONTINUE! So, let's begin with some background to the map. They finally brought back the original 4 characters: Dempsey, Nikoli, Takeo, and my favorite, Richtofen! Now, you might have guessed this by the title "Origins" but the game is supposed to be the very first time the four ever met and also when the VERY first Nazi Zombies were created! This story is only fitting to be the last zombie expansion to be released on BO2 and it's great. The trailer video in the game reveals how the zombie outbreak started and here is a quick summary: Richtofen and an army of Nazis were excavating some old catacombs that were supposed to hold this "Element 115" (sorry if the number is wrong") and they planned on using this element to win WWII. They even used it to create 1000ft robots named Thor, Vera, and Odin, which are on the map(more of that later.) However, while excavating the catacombs, they were attacked by Crusader zombies! Yes, the very first zombies! These zombies then begin to eat and infect the Nazi army creating Nazi Zombies. To avoid spoiling everything in the story, that's as far as I'll go on story. So, the next I want to talk about is Steam-punk! There are quite a bit of objects in the game that are Steam-punk designed like the new starter pistol: the Mauser. It is just as powerful as the M1911 and is mostly just a cosmetic change (unless you upgrade it and it's amazingly powerful even on high rounds.) Other steam-punk designed items are the new Zombie shield for the map, a map-specific gun the MG08 which is an LMG and it's steam-punk design is great, the 1000ft robots are also designed this way, and last, the new main boss for the map (whose name I haven't discovered.) However, there actually is another new style look for other things on the map, which seems to be some sort of ancient/magic tech type. The mystery box, pack-a-punch machine, and pack-a-punch weapons all have this new look. (b.t.w. I will post a few pics at the end of the blog of some examples) Now, as I said earlier, I would mention the 1000ft robots a little more. These three god-like structures stomping around the map are accurately named "Thor", "Vera", and "Oden." They have pre-set points at where they step down on the map and make sure you keep an eye out for there feet because it will kill you if it crushes you(obviously.) However, if you figure out how, you can shoot out the bottom of certain feet on them to grab parts for the maps new super weapon(s) by being sucked up in them and then shot out the top, hurtling back down to the map. I won't go into detail about the new weapons because I haven't used them much, sorry :( But, now I'll finish talking and show some of those screenshots that I promised:

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