Hey, Internet and assorted gamers! This post will be Part 2 of my coverage on the new grenades to be shown in Battlefield 4! Just a heads up before I start that I have recieved a request from an anonymous friend to write about Nintendo's new 2DS and my next article should be on that. Let's start this off with the incendiary grenade!
Now, if you're like me, you will agree that incendiary grenades are cool no matter what game they are in whether it be Halo 3. Gears of War, GTA (Molotovs), etc. So, the one in BF4 should still be pretty cool. Again, as a disclaimer, I want to say that my information comes from Pre-Alpha gameplay and is subject to change. The incendiary works as an AOE (Area Of Effect) grenade and lasts for about 3-4 seconds. If you ask me, I think the duration should be a little longer :/ It takes 1-2 seconds to kill a player so if one is sprung on you, you should have a small window of opportunity to get out of it with minor burns while for the person who throws it, you should still have a good chance at killing with it if you correctly use it with the element of surprise. Also, based on my own speculation, I think this would actually make a better strategical grenade rather than a killing one. Say, for instance, you are defending on a round of RUSH and your team is still setting up defenses in a room but the enemy is already heading in. Throw an incendiary in the door way and give everyone a few more seconds to prepare. Also, I believe it could be used by more skilled players to set up ambushes and to flush out rooms.
Let's move on the the smokescreen. Like the incendiary, this grenade has been spotted in all kinds of games. If a game has guns, it has grenades, and if it has grenades, there is good chance you'll spot one of these in the game. Smokescreens are purely tactical grenades with little to no killing power and it seems they will be the same in BF4. Honestly, it seems so far it will act like any normal smoke grenade.
Once thrown, it creates a large cloud of smoke for about 8 seconds and then goes away. Now, any Battlefield player know that there is spotting in BF games and in Battlefield 3 you could spot people through smoke-screens. Whether or not they will fix this in BF4, I don't know. I haven't heard anything on that. Well, this about wraps up the grenades I will cover for Battlefield 4 right now. There are others such as the mini grenade, impact grenade, and more but I need to move on to other gaming topics for now, However, if I get some requests to cover the others, I will. For more information on Battlefield 4 grenades and everything else Battlefield, it's pretty easy to find on YouTube. Before the weekend is over, I should have a new post out so check back Sunday night and there should be some new content here! Thanks for reading!
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